Time slips as your stare at the blank page on your computer. Only a few hours are left to the final submission and you have not written a single word. Naturally, you panic! You start doubting yourself ‘Will I be able to do my college essay’. But it is not the time for self-analysis. It is time you find a way to get out of this mess. These essay writing suggestions will definitely help you. Read on! Perform a pre-reading research: Before you start researching the subject, you perform a quick Google search in order to know the subject closely. As you research prior to the reading, you understand what exactly do you need from the book or text. It quickens the process and helps you reach the desired goals in lesser time. Carry highlighters: While reading or researching the topic, carry a marker. This way, you can highlight the text that you think is important. You can also make color coded note cards in order to make a list of things that are most important for the paper....
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